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Valstybės pagalba: Komisija patvirtina "#RenewableElectricity" Graikijos aukcionų schemą




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The European Commission has found a Greek auction scheme for the production of electricity from renewable sources and high efficiency cogeneration to be in line with EU state aid rules. The scheme will further EU energy and climate goals whilst preserving competition.

Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "Greece will bring down costs for renewable energy with competitive auctions to support renewable electricity generation. This is very good and the scheme will facilitate Greece's efforts to reach its 2020 climate goals."

Under the scheme Greece will organise regular, competitive auctions to grant support to renewable energy sources:

  • In 2018, Greece will organize separate auctions for wind and solar installations in order to determine their market potential.
  • As of 2019, joint auctions for both wind and solar installations will be held to increase competition and reduce the cost for consumers of renewable energy in Greece.

State support for other renewable energy technologies will be subject to auctions as soon as they become more mature in the Greek electricity market, i.e. when they reach a predefined level of market penetration. Moreover, Greece will evaluate the bidding processes in 2020, before designing bidding processes for the period 2021-2025.

The Commission has assessed the scheme under EU State aid rules, in particular the 2014 Gairės dėl valstybės pagalbos aplinkos apsaugai ir energijos. The Guidelines require competitive auctions for renewables support since 2017, so as to ensure that the use of public funds is limited to the minimum and there is no overcompensation. On this basis, the Commission concluded that the Greek auctioning scheme will boost the share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources, in line with EU aplinkosaugos tikslus, o bet koks valstybės paramos iškraipymas yra minimalus.


Today's decision follows the Commission's decision of November 2016 which approved a support scheme for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration in Greece (SA.44666).


Šios Atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių direktyvos established targets for all member states' shares of energy renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption by 2020. For Greece, that target is 18% of domestic energy supplies produced from renewable sources by 2020.

Daugiau informacijos apie priimtą sprendimą bus galima, kai potencialūs konfidencialumo klausimai buvo išspręsti, į Valstybės pagalbos registras dėl Komisijos konkurencija svetainės pagal bylos numerį SA.48143.  Valstybės pagalba Savaitės E-Naujienos išvardyti naujus leidinius sprendimų dėl valstybės pagalbos internete ir ES oficialusis leidinys.

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