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ES, Kanada ir Kinija Briuselyje bendrai sušaukia trečią ministrą ministru „ClimateAction“




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Today (28 June) the EU, Canada and China are convening the third ministerial on climate action in Brussels. Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna and China's Special Representative on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua co-chair the meeting of ministers and high-level representatives from over 30 countries, including ministers from the G20 and chairs of key party groupings in the UN climate negotiations.

The third edition of the ministerial on climate action will address the broader implementation challenge in the post-Katowice context. This will not be yet another exclusive conversation between ministers, but rather aim to facilitate exchanges between partners from different walks of life, including high-level representatives from businesses, industry, investors, science, advocacy and expert organisations.

Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 and the Katowice rulebook last year, political focus is shifting from the UNFCCC negotiations towards ambition through action that is necessary for the modernisation of the economies. Effective implementation of the Paris Agreement requires open and frank discussion and debate between politicians and practitioners, informed by the perspective of industry, the financial sector, investors, insurers, civil society, expert organizations and citizens. The EU is committed to continue leading the way in the transition to a climate neutral economy.

The Commission proposed a strategy to get there iki 2050, and a vast majority of member states endorsed this approach praėjusią savaitę. The EU has put in place a comprehensive and ambitious legislative framework to achieve 40% emission reductions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and only last week the Commission published its assessment of the first ever integrated national energy and climate plans, designed to implement our Paris Agreement commitments into national law.

While we can be proud of what we have already achieved domestically, it is very clear that climate change is a challenge we can only address if we work closely with our international partners, these ministerial meetings, co-convened with two other major economies, are an excellent platform to exchange best practices and lead by example.

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