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During an official visit to Bolivia, between 3 to 5 May, International Co-operation and Development Commissioner Neven Mimica (nuotraukoje) announced the adoption of a Joint European Strategy for Bolivia 2017-2020 worth more than €530 million.

Under this Strategy, the EU, its member states present in Bolivia (France, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden and Germany) and Switzerland have agreed to align and coordinate their development cooperation interventions in order to strengthen their impact, reduce fragmentation and increase the effectiveness of the EU's contribution to development in Bolivia. This Strategy is a good example of EU Joint Programming in third countries in line with the new European Consensus on Development adopted last year.

Ahead of the visit Commissioner Mimica said: "The EU's partnership with Bolivia is stronger than ever with the launch of Bolivia's first Joint European Strategy of €530m that we have elaborated in close cooperation with the Bolivian government. This Strategy aims at creating a common framework for the EU's development cooperation in Bolivia in line with the Aid Effectiveness principle and the European Consensus on Development. This Joint Strategy will help to deliver a truly European development policy."

The Joint European Strategy is dedicated to improving the lives for the Bolivian people in eight priority sectors, including culture and tourism, rural development and food security, integral development with coca and the fight against drug trafficking, education, governance, environment and climate change, health, economic development and employment.

During his stay, Commissioner Mimica also visited projects with Bolivian President Morales in the Chapare region with a focus on integral development (banana packing cooperative and aquiculture) and on the fight against illicit drugs. The EU has provided €52m for integral development and food security in Bolivia during the past five years.


Key examples of EU co-operation with Bolivia


The EU supports Bolivia in the area of diversification of coca production and fight against drugs trafficking with €130m for the period 2014-2020. Results so far have shown a 26% net reduction in the coca cultivated surface in the country since 2010. In addition, 7% of people in coca growing areas have moved above the poverty line. The number of people declaring their basic needs fulfilled, in terms of health, water, education has also seen an increase of 8% thanks in large part to alternative development programmes supported by the EU.

Within the EU's water and sanitation programmes, drinking water connections have been provided to more than 270,000 people and basic sanitation to more than 100,000. Preparation of a new programme on water and sanitation with an EU contribution of €35m is ongoing.

Bolivia is the largest recipient of bilateral EU development assistance (€281m in 2014-2020) in Latin America and the Caribbean, after Haiti. The Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) focuses on the fight against illicit drugs (€130m), water, sanitation and natural resources management (€115.4m), justice reform and the fight against corruption (€20m). It also includes a package of support measures to accompany implementation and policy dialogue (€15.6m).

Daugiau informacijos

New European Consensus on Development - 'Our world, our dignity, our future'

DG DEVCO - Bolivia

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