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Atnaujinimas: bendradarbiavimas mikroskopu krizės COVID-19 metu - prieinama EAPM ES pirmininkavimo konferencijos ataskaita




Mes naudojame jūsų registraciją, kad pateiktume turinį jūsų sutiktais būdais ir pagerintume jūsų supratimą. Prenumeratą galite bet kada atšaukti.

As coronavirus infections soar across the planet, and the death toll rises everywhere, not least in Europe, many are asking why European Union member states were so disconnected from each other strategy-wise, and what the EU can do about improving co-ordination this second time round, rašo Europos aljansas už Pritaikomo Medicina (EAPM) vykdomasis direktorius Denisas Horgan. 

Well, given that health care is a jealously guarded member state competence, locking-down the answer isn’t easy, and never has been. But that doesn’t help Europe’s citizenry, given that COVID-19 is no respecter of borders and national sovereignty. 

This was one of a myriad discussion items discussed in our recent virtual Presidency Conference entitled ‘Ensuring access to innovation and data-rich biomarker space to speed better quality of care for citizens’. You can read the report čia.

As highlighted during the Presidency Conference, there is potential future promise in the European policy context, with the legislative and policy initiatives currently on the EU agenda – most recently – the declaration of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in favour of European Health Union which was discussed during the conference. 

EAPM has always argued for more EU-wide co-operation and coordination in health care, and the current crisis has only made that need more obvious. 

Indeed, for the best part of a decade,  the Alliance has been calling for kovos su ligomis politikaįvairių tipų - ne mažiau vėžio - per naujas mokslas ir personalizuota sveikatos priežiūra, with the backing of many MEPs.

It is apt that throughout the topic-specific discussions of the Presidency Conference, the broader themes that emerged most insistently were collaboration and communication, since these have been the hallmarks of EAPM’s activity since its initiation. 


EAPM is by definition a collaborative exercise, bringing together the broadest range of stakeholders – as this conference again demonstrated. And communication has been at the heart of EAPM’s activity, since its role is not just as a thinktank for refining ideas, but as a vehicle for transmitting those ideas from the world of healthcare to the broader world of policy, where the decisions are made that ultimately shape the way health is delivered. 

Principal recommendations 

Although there was no formal process of agreeing recommendations at the meeting, the following are among the recurring recommendations from the discussions. 

  • Inequalities in access to testing and treatment across Europe must be addressed

  • Turi būti prieinama tinkama duomenų infrastruktūra ir apdorojimo pajėgumai.

  • Real-world evidence must be developed and acceptance criteria agreed with regulators, HTA agencies and payers.

  • Reikia didesnio reguliavimo reikalavimų lankstumo, kad būtų galima įvertinti mažoms gyventojų grupėms skirtus produktus.

  • Turi būti plėtojamas daugelio suinteresuotųjų šalių bendradarbiavimas, siekiant susitarti dėl tyrimų prioritetų, standartų ir tyrimų kokybės užtikrinimo bei tyrimų ir gydymo vertinimo kriterijų.

  • Trust must be developed among citizens about the security and possible  use of their data.

  • Communication must be developed by healthcare stakeholders to persuade policymakers to effect constructive change.  

The link to the report is available čia.

1 million genome meeting on 21 October

Registration is still very much open for the B1MG meeting on 21 October. The aim of the the 1 million Genome Project is to support the connection of national genomics and data infrastructures, co-ordinate the harmonization of the ethical and legal framework for sharing data of high privacy sensitivity, and give practical guidance for the pan-European coordination of implementing genomic technologies in national and European health-care systems. 

Thus, the B1MG is a means to bring the different stakeholders together on Oct 21st so as to act as a catalyst to provide a benchmark approach for alignment of complex, fractionated health-care provisions into health-care systems.

Registruotis čia ir visą dienotvarkę skaitykite čia.

Have the best week possible, and keep safe.

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