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Are you one of those who have thought about investing in cryptocurrencies in recent years? You are not the only one. Pirkite kriptovaliuta, what a novelty!

In the last two years, cryptocurrencies have grabbed all the headlines. Hardly a day goes by without hearing or reading news about them. 

The leading role, of course, is played by Bitcoin, with a market capitalization that represents approximately 40% of the total cryptocurrency market. But there are many other cryptocurrencies that have also come to be recognized and desired by investors and crypto enthusiasts.

There are still many investors and ordinary people who have doubts about cryptocurrencies. Will they replace traditional money? Will it be a fad or a passing trend? Is the cryptocurrency boom real or is it a new speculative bubble?

If we go back to the origins of Bitcoin, we could question the idea that the boom or effervescence around this cryptocurrency is due to a speculative bubble that is being inflated to infinity.

The creators of Bitcoin sought to obtain a digital currency that would circulate freely and as a form of P2P payment, i.e. without the mediation of third parties and without the control of a centralized entity.

To achieve these objectives, they developed a technology that is practically revolutionary. We are talking about the blockchain, which works as a book of record of operations in the network in which Bitcoin is operated. The information contained in these blocks that make up a blockchain is very difficult or almost impossible to modify or violate because it would affect or alter all the other blocks that are part of the chain.


The development potential of blockchain technology far exceeds the single application in the field of cryptocurrencies. Today we already see applications of this technology linked to sectors such as banking, health, energy, agriculture, insurance, and administration. The potential for the development and implementation of this technology has much more potential.

In the specific case of cryptocurrencies, history took a turn when bitcoin began to be exchanged for traditional fiat currencies, such as the U.S. dollar or the euro. This fact opened the door to speculation, one might even say rampant speculation.

The fact that the total number of Bitcoins is limited has led to an excess demand that has pushed up their price in recent years to limits that were unimaginable just five years ago.

To the illusionary irruption of Bitcoin must also be added the appearance of another cryptocurrency in 2015, Ethereum, with a different idea of development to that of the first cryptocurrency.

Ethereum is a platform for the development of blockchain technology. It has made this technology so accessible that it has been used to generate 90 percent of the cryptocurrencies present in the market today.

It is true that the creation of new and new cryptocurrencies, a phenomenon driven by the accelerated and sustained growth of bitcoin over time, has led to the growth of somewhat undesirable and dangerous phenomena such as speculation. However, cryptocurrencies have contributed decisively to the transformation of the financial ecosystem as we know it today. It is visible that the current financial context is tending more towards decentralization and this is due to the impact of the emergence of cryptocurrencies.

The fact that major investors and market heavyweights, including large global companies, have made a firm commitment to incorporate bitcoin into their investments has pushed the price of bitcoin upwards, but it has also been the starting pistol in a race where no one wants to be left behind. 

The central banks of the countries and regions with the greatest economic weight in the world are analyzing the possibility of creating their own cryptocurrencies. At the same time, the naturalization and acceptance of cryptocurrency transactions is leading the world to reach a consensus on the subject. Will the regulation of the cryptocurrency market cause interest in cryptocurrencies to diminish or disappear? We will see in the future.

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