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Europos Parlamentas ragina Europos Sąjungą įtraukti Irano Islamo revoliucijos gvardijos korpusą ir jo pavaldžias pajėgas į teroristinių subjektų sąrašą




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The European Parliament has called for the European Union to list Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), and its subsidiary forces, including the paramilitary Basij militia and the Quds Force, as terrorist organisations, blaming them for the repression of protesters, terrorist activity and for supplying of drones to Russia, rašo Yossi Lempkowicz.

In a resolution backed by an overwhelming majority of  lawmakers, the European Parliament in Strasbourg condemned “the brutal crackdown by Iran, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), on the demonstrations after the death of Mahsa Amini, following her violent arrest, abuse and ill-treatment by Iran’s ‘morality police".

Relations between the European Union (EU) member states and Tehran have deteriorated in recent months as efforts to revive nuclear talks have stalled. Tehran has detained several European nationals and the EU has become increasingly critical of a continuing violent crackdown on protesters, including executions.

Widespread anti-government demonstrations erupted in Iran in September after the death of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini, who had been detained for allegedly flouting the strict dress code imposed on women. Several protestors have been condemned to death and excuted. The latest was the execution  of Alireza Akbari last Saturday, a British-Iranian national.

The EU summoned Iran’s ambassador earlier this month and told him it was appalled by the exécutions.

Tehran has also been criticized for supplying its ally Russia with kamikaze drones.

EU Foreign Ministers are to meet Monday (23 January) in Brussels to discuss further sanctions against Iran including blacklisting the IRGC.


"It is crucial that the European Union and its Member States continue to send strong and clear messages to Iran in line with what has been done so far," said Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders who spoke to the European Parliament on behalf of EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

"I assure you that all options for the European Union to respond to events in Iran remain on the table at Monday’s Foreign Affairs Council," he said.

The US has already paskirtas the IRGC as a terrorist group and the UK yra nustatytas to follow suit.

The EU list of terrorist entities includes some 20 organizations, including Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State group, Hamas and the armed wing of Hezbollah, supported by Iran.

IRGC priskyrimas teroristine grupe reikštų, kad priklausymas grupuotei, dalyvavimas jos susitikimuose ir jos logotipo nešiojimas viešai taptų baudžiamuoju nusikaltimu.

IRGC susikūrė po Irano islamo revoliucijos 1979 m. ir tapo pagrindine karine ekonomine jėga šalyje, taip pat kontroliuojančia Teherano branduolinę ir balistinę programą bei finansuojančia teroristines operacijas ir žmogžudysčių sąmokslus kitur regione ir pasaulyje. Ji buvo suformuota pirmiausia siekiant dviejų konkrečių tikslų: apginti režimą ir per terorizmą eksportuoti islamo revoliuciją į kaimynines šalis.

Jos įtaka išaugo valdant dabartiniam prezidentui Ebrahimui Raisi, valdžią perėmusiam 2021 m.

IRGC toliau plečia savo įtaką Irake, Afganistane, Sirijoje, Libane ir Jemene per savo išorinę ginkluotę Al-Quds pajėgas.

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