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Naujoji Uzbekistano formuojanti personalo politika valstybės valdyme




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State governance issue is the main aspect which defines the prosperity, stability and development of the country. Along with the implementation of principles of separation of power and government institutions the civil servant’s system considers main aspects of the government administration. In this sense the civil servants play immense role in shaping the government policy and its effective implementation. The implementation degree of the meritocracy principles in government administration defines the standard of the governance process and its effect to the society, writes Davron Bekchanov, Associate Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

This article analyses the process of inflow to the government bodies new formative personnel by examining its historical, legal and political aspects. Also, in this paper it is given definition and requirements for the “new formative personnel" and its effect to the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index. Moreover, in this research we are limiting our scope with government bodies and excluding private and nongovernmental sectors.

The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Transformation Index (BTI) analyzes and evaluates the quality of democracy, a market economy and political management in 1371 developing and transition countries. It measures successes and setbacks on the path toward a democracy based on the rule of law and a socially responsible market economy. The BTI is the first cross-national comparative index that uses selfcollected data to comprehensively measure the quality of governance during processes of transition.

Istorinė apžvalga

State personnel policy considers following four aspects: recruiting, appointing, promoting and capacity building. During the rule of communist regime in Uzbekistan, the state personnel policy was conducted by the communist party, and after its abolishment the gap emerged concerning this policy. From independence till the October 2019 the state personnel policy was regulated mostly through the Labor Codex of the Republic of Uzbekistan and each government bodies (ministries agencies local governments) conducted the personnel policy by their own. In this system, the personnel departments of the government bodies mostly reviewed the candidate’s CV and conducted only interviews in order to appoint them. The candidates were chosen from the shortlists of the people and there was no written regulation in carrier promotion, what created room for abuse of power.

Concerning the education and retraining the civil servants, almost each ministry has their own education center, where they mostly retrain their own stuff. Academy of Public administration was mostly educating and retraining the managerial level civil servants, and for master’s program the candidate should have worked in managerial position in government bodies not less than three years and be younger than 40 years old. Also, there was lack of procedures in which level and for how long the civil servants should be sent to development and retraining.

Reforms in Uzbekistan


Starting from 2017, new government of Uzbekistan started conducting large scale reforms in all sphere of society including the government administration system. Main new approaches were initiated concerning the reforming government institutions, where the following main principle was adopted: “the government bodies should serve the people not the people should serve the government”. In this regard, it started to change the requirements for the professional civil servants. The main tasks of administrative reform were followings: introduction of meritocracy principals in civil service system, decentralization of public administration, raising the level of professionalism, material and social security of civil servants, ensuring the rule of law, implementation e-government, ensuring the openness of the activities of government bodies. By implementation of these tasks there have been achieved significant results. During this period, more than 30 laws, 750 bylaws were adopted.

Main changing point in state civil servants’ system was occurred with adoption of the Decree of the President 'On measures to radically improve the personnel policy and public service system in the Republic of Uzbekistan' in 3rd of October 2019.

In accordance with the Decree, admission to the public service on the basis of an open independent competition started to be carried out from the 1st of January, 2020, in a pilot mode in individual government bodies, organizations and territories, and from the 1st of January, 2021, in all government bodies and organizations. Also the decree established the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President which serves as main body in conducting the personnel policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main tasks of this Agency are: development of an ideological platform for the transformation of the civil service, programs and projects for its development, as well as ensuring the practical implementation of a unified policy in the field of civil service; coordination of the activities of state bodies and organizations in the field of state personnel policy; monitoring and analyzing trends and prospects for the development of the civil service with the development of proposals for eliminating problems and challenges in this area; introduction of innovative methods of personnel management and human resource development based on the principles of openness, professionalism and accountability; management of the National Personnel Reserve, maintaining the State Register of Civil Service Positions, as well as creating and maintaining a single open portal for vacant positions of civil servants; introduction of a system of measurable indicators (key indicators) for assessing the performance of civil servants and analyzing their results, studying public opinion and forming an open rating of heads of state bodies and organizations; carrying out systematic work to identify and attract qualified and highly qualified specialists, including among compatriots living abroad, as well as to widely attract gifted youth and women to the state civil service; organization of an open independent competitive selection of the most promising personnel for the state civil service; fostering high professional ethics, anti-corruption culture and intolerant attitude towards corruption among government civil servants; introduction and consistent improvement of information and communication technologies in the field of public civil service, formation of a database on public civil servants with ensuring the security of their personal data; assistance in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of civil servants in their relationship with employers, as well as creating decent conditions for their work and social protection.

The consequences of these reforms require highly professional civil servants which we can call “new formative personnel”. Main characteristics and competences of “the new formative personnel” are followings: a) person with global thinking; b) capable of systematic and creative thinking; c) good communication skills; d) democratic view; c) client oriented; d) open for changes and flexible.

Coming from above we can distinguish the 3 main points of the change in civil service system in Uzbekistan. They are: 1) open and competitive based examination system; 2) carrier promotion through performance; 3) education and retraining the civil service.

According to the Degree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to radically improve the personnel policy and public service system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” annually each civil servant should pass the 30-60 hours of retraining courses. This practice also will contribute in increasing the capacity of state civil servants which will serve for effective government administration.

At the present main challenges in these spheres are the followings: first, system of attracting the new formative cadres to government bodies; second, carrier promotion of the new formative cadres; third, preparation and retraining the new formative cadres who are working in civil service.

System of attracting the new formative cadres to government bodies is one of the main tasks which should be improved in order to effectively implement the reforms which are been taken in Uzbekistan. In order to improve this system and to implement the meritocracy principles the law “On civil state service” should be adopted as soon as possible, where there should be the mentioned the procedures of appointing through the competency checking examinations. The competencies for entrance level civil servants should be like knowing the Uzbek langue fluently (written and oral), knowing the basic normative legal documents which regulates the government bodies, leadership skills, communication skills.

Carrier promotion of the new formative cadres. Carrier promotion is important part of the civil service system, which effects the motivation of the cadres and effectiveness of the government bodies. The promotion should be based on the number and the quality of initiatives, positive image among the colleagues and his or her seniors and ability to work in the leadership positions.

Preparation and retraining the new formative cadres who are working in civil service plays tremendous role in effectiveness of the activities of government bodies. All civil servants who are newly entered through the competitive examinations and civil servants who are promoted should pass special courses concerning their functional tasks and obligations. This practice will help civil servants to be more professional which in consequence effect to effectiveness of the activities of government bodies.

Starting from the January 2021, the government personnel policy is moved forward to the next step, where in all government bodies it became obligatory to implement merit based system of selecting, appointing and promoting the government civil servants. Also from 2021 it is expected to educate and retrain the civil servants in new methodology and approaches. This will help the reforms in Uzbekistan to be more effective, especially will serve to increase in the governance index of Bertelsmann Stiftung.


1. Decree of the President “On measures to radically improve the personnel policy and public service system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” in 3rd of October 2019.

2. D.Bekchanov, Local government: experience of Japan and Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2015.

3. Yuldasheva Feruza, Reforms and Modernization of Civil Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Theoretical & Applied Science Journal volume 28.



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