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Biudžeto nariai tvirtina ES paramą atleistiems darbuotojams Vokietijoje, Belgijoje ir Italijoje




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shipworkersGermany, Belgium and Italy should get over €14.6 million in EU aid to help more than 7,300 workers made redundant by three firms get back on to the job market, following a vote by the budgets committee on Tuesday (29 September). The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) aid still needs to be approved by Parliament as a whole and by the Council of the EU.

Šalis Bendrovė Naudos gavėjų skaičius Pagalbos suma (€) Sektorius EP pranešėja
Vokietija Adam Opel AG 2,692 6,958,623 Automobilių gamyba Jens Geier (ELP, Vokietija)
Belgija Ford Genk, 11 suppliers 4,500 6,268,564 Automobilių gamyba Paul Rübig (EPP, AT)
Italija Gruppo Alitalia 184 1,414,848 oro transportas monika: Vana (Greens/ALE, AT)


The German producer of medium-priced, small and medium-sized cars closed its plant in Bochum, Germany, in order to reduce excess production capacity after sales fell by 39% between 2007 and 2013. The shutdown of the plant resulted in almost 2,900 redundancies, 2,692 of which would benefit from the EGF aid worth €7m requested by Germany.


Belgium applied for EGF aid for the final wave of redundant workers dismissed by car maker Ford Genk and its 11 suppliers after the car-manufacturing plant closed in Genk. The shutdown was due to a decline in the production of passenger cars and in the sales of new cars in the European Union, largely to the benefit of Asian carmakers. The current application worth €6.3m is intended to help 4,500 former workers get back to work.

Belgium has already received €570,000 to help former Ford workers find work following the the initial wave of redundancies in 2013.

The applications of Germany and Belgium are the 21st and 22nd in the automotive sector since the launch of EGF aid in 2007.



The Italian flag carrier had to dismiss over 1,200 workers, chiefly as a consequence of the decline in its market share of international air-passenger transport, most of which has been taken up by carriers from the Gulf States and Turkey. The fall in passenger numbers during the economic crisis and the increase in fuel prices exacerbated the situation of Alitalia. Most of the dismissals occured in the region of Lazio. Italy asked for EGF aid to help the 184 workers experienceing the greatest difficulties in finding new jobs.

Worth €1.4 million, this is the second application for EGF aid in the air transport sector (after the application of "Air France" į 2013).

Tolesni žingsniaiTo take effect, the new rules must be approved by Parliament as a whole, which is scheduled to vote on them at the first plenary session in October, and endorsed by the member states, which are set to decice on 5 October.

fonasEuropos prisitaikymo prie globalizacijos padarinių fondas prisideda prie specialiai pritaikytų paslaugų paketų, padedančių atleistiems darbuotojams susirasti naują darbą. Jo metinė viršutinė riba yra 150 mln. EUR.

Atleistiems darbuotojams siūlomos tokios priemonės kaip parama verslo pradžiai, pagalba ieškant darbo, profesinis orientavimas ir įvairūs mokymai. Daugeliu atvejų nacionalinės institucijos jau pradėjo taikyti priemones, o ES kompensuos išlaidas, kai jų paraiškos bus galutinai patvirtintos.

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