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ES skaitmeninis COVID sertifikatas: Komisija priima sprendimą dėl Kabo Verde, Libano ir JAE lygiavertiškumo




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The Commission has adopted three new equivalence decisions certifying that COVID-19 certificates issued by Cabo Verde, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are equivalent to the EU Digital COVID Certificate. As a result, the three countries will be connected to the EU's system and their certificates will be accepted under the same conditions as the EU Digital COVID Certificate. At the same time, Cabo Verde, Lebanon and the UAE agreed to accept the EU Digital COVID Certificate for EU nationals traveling to the three countries.

Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said: “The EU Digital COVID Certificate is unique and that's why 55 countries and territories in five continents have joined the system so far with more than 750 million certificates issued. Even if we have a difficult time with COVID-19 variants, we need the certificate; it has served in the past and will continue to serve in the future to help people to travel safely.”

All decisions are available Prisijungė. More information on the EU Digital COVID Certificate can be found on the Specialioje interneto svetainėje.

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