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ES skiria 38 mln. EUR #CriticalInfrastruktūros apsaugai nuo #CyberThreats




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The Commission has announced that it is committing more than €38 million, through Horizontas 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme, to support several innovative projects in the field of protection of critical infrastructure against cyber and physical threats and making cities smarter and safer.

Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said: “Over the past years we have offered our support to research and innovation actions in the area of cybersecurity that contribute to better protecting key infrastructure and the people living in European smart cities. I am pleased that today we are able to offer yet another significant amount of funding through Horizon 2020 towards security, privacy and threat mitigating solutions.”

Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton added: “Securing network and information systems and enhancing cyber resilience are key for shaping Europe's digital future. As we are faced with a diverse array of cybersecurity threats, the EU is taking concrete measures to protect critical infrastructures, cities and citizens. More investments at EU and national level in innovative cybersecurity technologies and solutions are of paramount importance to strengthen EU's resilience to cyberattacks.”

Three projects (SAFETY4RAILS7SHIELDir ENSURESEC) will work to improve prevention, detection, response and mitigation of cyber and physical threatsfor metro and railway networks, ground space infrastructure and satellites, as well as e-commerce and delivery services. Two additional projects (IMPETAS ir S4ALLCITIES) aim at enhancing the resilience of cities' infrastructures and services and protecting citizens in case of security incidents in public spaces. The projects are expected to start between June and October 2020 and will run for two years. The support is part of the EU's commitment to build a strong cybersecurity culture and enhanced capabilities to resist and respond effectively to potential cyber threats and attacks.

Čia pateikiama daugiau informacijos apie ES veiksmus kibernetinio saugumo pajėgumams stiprinti Klausimai ir atsakymai, tuo tarpu galima rasti ES finansuojamų kibernetinio saugumo projektų čia, and new funding opportunities under Horizon 2020 čia.

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